The Katherine Mansfield Society is a charitable entity registered in New Zealand. Its Official Registration Number is CC38210. You can find out more from the New Zealand Charities register. The Society has New Zealand Donee tax status. New Zealand residents may apply for a tax rebate on donations of $5 or more. JOIN NOW!
Formed in December 2008, this international organisation has been set up to promote and encourage the worldwide study and enjoyment of Katherine Mansfield’s writing. It is a forum for the exchange of information and for research collaboration, but as a member there are a wide range of additional benefits.
As a member, you will receive:
3 newsletters a year, packed with information on Mansfield and KMS activity
A free copy of the annual yearbook, Katherine Mansfield Studies, published by Edinburgh University Press
Regular email news bulletins
Discounted rates for all KMS events
Access to Mansfield scholars worldwide
Notice of new publications
You will also be supporting:
The development and maintenance of the most comprehensive Katherine Mansfield website, including a comprehensive KM time line, all extant KM photographs and artistic representations, and all KM stories
The pursuit of strategies to ensure KM is on school and university curricula
The development of a biennial Katherine Mansfield Literary Scholarship, giving the opportunity for an outstanding scholar to pursue Mansfield and modernist research
The preservation and recognition of one of the world’s leading modernist writers whose influence is still felt by contemporary writers and readers
"Page after page gives off the feeling of being still warm from the touch. Fresh from the pen. Where is she - our missing contemporary?"