This is an archived copy of the KMS website from April 2021. To view the current website, click here.
It is with enormous gratitude that we reproduce here, with kind permission, poems by Riemke Ensing based on KM's letters and journals. She has also submitted two additional works for the inaugural Katherine Mansfield Studies Journal.
Originally conceived for the Katherine Mansfield Centenary, The K.M. File (published by Hazard Press) has grown into Riemke's fourth collection of poems. In these poems she has used extracts from Katherine Mansfield's letters, journals and stories so that Mansfield is a constant presence throughout the works.
Riemke Ensing was born in the Netherlands and has lived in New Zealand since the 1950s. She used to teach New Zealand literature at the University of Auckland. Since retiring she has been made an Honorary Research fellow. Her poems have been published regularly both in New Zealand and overseas. The poems have been translated into Dutch, German and Japanese.
Her work appears in many anthologies including:
The Twentieth Century Anthology of New Zealand Poetry, The Penguin Book of Contemporary Poetry and New Directions (USA).
She was on the editorial board of Poetry NZ and wrote a review of the Katherine Mansfield 'Hearts and Minds' Centennial exhibition at the National Library, Wellington.