This is an archived copy of the KMS website from April 2021. To view the current website, click here.

Paris 2013

La fiction de Katherine Mansfield: nouvelle édition, nouvelles approches / Katherine Mansfield's fiction: new edition, new approaches.

Friday 21 June 2013

Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense

200, avenue de la République

92001 Nanterre Cedex



How to get to Nanterre


Convenor: Valérie Baisnée (

Website CREA:

Organised with the support of CREA and Association France/Nouvelle-Zélande


This hugely successful conference organised by Dr Valérie Baisnée, with the participation of Professor Dunstan Ward, brought together a select group of scholars to discuss Katherine Mansfield's fiction. The papers were all of a high standard, and it is hoped a publication will follow. A full report on the conference will appear in the August 2013 edition of the Katherine Mansfield Society Newsletter.

Here are some photos of a truly memorable day!